- اول حرف فى الجملة يكون capital
2- اول حرف من اسماء الاشخاص يكون capital
3- اول حرف من اسماء المدن والدول والبحار والانهار والكبارى والشهور والايام يكون capital
4-الضمير I يكون capital
5- فى نهاية الجملة نقطة.(.)
6- فى نهاية السؤال علامة استفهام (? )
he goes to Alexandria
He goes to Alexandria.
*-sam and suzy are friends
Sam and Suzy are friends.
*-are there trees near the river nile
Are there trees near the River Nile?
*-let's visit aswan
Let's visit Aswan.
Practice: تدريب
*-ali and heba are going to cairo
*-what is number one ahmed
*-they are watching a film in aswan and luxor